Una serata speciale in compagnia di amici, un’occasione per fare nuove amicizie, una notte ricca di magia. Una pagaiata piacevole mentre il cielo inizia a tingersi di arancione… Fermarsi e godersi un tramonto spettacolare direttamente dal pelo dell’acqua… Gustare una squisita cena sulla spiaggia prima di rientrare con tranquillità avendo come guida la luce della luna piena…Venite a vivere con noi un’esperienza indimenticabile nella mitica Terra delle Sirene!!
Le notturne saranno effettuate in corrispondenza del giorno di luna piena:

A special evening with friends, an opportunity to make new friends, a night full of magic. A pleasant paddling while the sky starts to turn orange … Stop and enjoy a spectacular sunset directly from the surface of the water … Enjoy a delicious dinner on the beach before returning with tranquility having as guide the light of the full moon .. . Come and live with us an unforgettable experience in the mythical Land of the Sirens !!

The nocturnal ones will be effected in correspondence of the full moon day:

The tour includes:

    • Appointment at the Paguro (timetable set time by time);
    • breefing and equipment assignment;
    • boarding and leaving the port;
    • paddling to the “Ruins of Queen Giovanna” of about 1:30 hours (the destination is not always reachable because of the sea and / or customers);
    • stop to watch the sunset from the water’s surface;
    • Paddled up to the Puolo Bay with a stop for dinner on the beach;
    • return to Marina della Lobra Paddling under the full moon;
    • landing and greetings.

Price: € 50.00 per person.
The cost includes: Kayak and equipment, guide / instructor, accident insurance, dinner on the beach.
Not included: Parking Fee
What to bring and recommended clothing